Sandokan cycle
The Sandokan cycle is also called the cycle of the pirates of Malaysia ("Ciclo dei pirati della Malesia") or the cycle of the Indian jungle ("Ciclo della jungla Indiana") or "Indian-Malay cycle" for short ("Ciclo indo-malese "), Because five works (No. 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8) are set in Malaysia, the other six in India or Assam. The years in brackets are the years of first publication.
1. „Le Tigri di Mompracem“ (= The Tigers of Mompracem); (1900), previously published four times in newspapers as a series novel „La Tigre della Malesia“ (1883/84, 1884/85, 1886, 1890/91)
2. „I misteri della jungla nera“ (= The secrets of the black jungle); (1895), published as series novel in 1887 („Gli strangolatori del Gange“) as well as in 1893/1894 („Gli amori di un selvaggio“)
3. „I pirati della Malesia“ (= The Pirates of Malaysia); (1896), 1891/92 as series novel
4. „Le due tigri“ (= The two Tigers); (1904)
5. „Il Re del Mare“ (= The King of the Sea); (1906), 1904/05 as series novel
6. „Alla conquista di un impero“ (= Conquering an empire); (1907)
7. „Sandokan alla riscossa“ (= Sandokan strikes back); (1907)
8. „La Riconquista del Mompracem (= The Reconquest of Mompracem); (1908)
9. „Il bramino dell'Assam“ (= The Brahmin of Assam); (1911, posthumously)
10. „La caduta di un impero“ (= The fall of an empire); (1911, posthumously)
11. „La rivincita di Yanez“ (= The revenge of Yanez); (1913, posthumously)