Publications by Dr. Bianca M. Gerlich
1) Book:
"Marudu 1845 - The Destruction and Reconstruction of a Coastal State in Borneo". Hamburg 2003.
2) Scientific Articles:
In German:
„Sandokan von Malludu - Historische Hintergründe eines in Borneo spielenden Romanzyklus des italienischen Schriftstellers Emilio Salgari.“ In: Klein, M./Krause, J. (Ed.): Umbruch in Südostasien. Hamburg 1995, p. 85 - 94.
"Mompracem, Sandokan und die Tigerflagge - die historischen Hintergründe von „La Tigre della Malesia“". In: Struve, Karen (Ed.): „Das Salgari-Abenteuer. Intermediale Adaptionen eines italienischen Klassikers.“ Münster 2019, p. 47 - 69.
In English:
„Sandokan of Malludu. The Historical Background of a Novel Cycle set in Borneo by the Italian Author Emilio Salgari.“ In: Archipel 55, 1998, p. 29 - 41.
„Comparing information on Sandokan: the work of Salgari and Bornean history.“ In: Pollone, Eliana/Re Fiorentin, Simona/Vagliani, Pompeo (Eds.): "I miei volumi corrono trionfanti. Atti del 1° Convegno internazionale sulla fortuna di Salgari all'estero. Torino, 11 novembre 2003." Allessandria 2005, p. 65 - 74.
„Thus Has Marudu Ceased to Exist: The Rise and Fall of a North Bornean Kerajaan.“ In: Sabah Society Journal, Vol. 29 (2012), p. 19 - 55.
„Finding the Island Mompracem. The Problem of Mapping the Northwest Coast of Borneo from 16th to 20th Century.“ In: Oriente Moderno, Volume 93, Issue 1, 01 January 2013, p. 32 –78.
In Italian:
„Sandokan Personaggio Storico.“ In: Oriente Moderno, XV (LXXVI), 1, 1996, p. 111 – 126.
"Una lapide commemorativa per Salgari su Mompracem". In: "Il Corsaro Nero" (Rivista Salgariana di Letteratura Popolare") 33, 2022, p. 39 - 43.
Gerlich 1998
Here is a link to the text "Sandokan of Malludu" which is to be found free in the Internet:
Gerlich 1996
Gerlich 2005
Gerlich 2012
Gerlich 2019
I helped out a little and was mentioned in:
a) Semplici, Andrea/Pellegrini, Daniele: "Cercando Sandokan". In: Airone, Numero 262, Febbraio 2003. S. 82 - 99.
b) Förster, Gerhard: "Sandokan": In: "Die Sprechblase", Mai 2012. S. 30 - 36.
c) Obermüller, Klaus: "Quiz trifft Sachbuch, Band 1, Wer ist Kikiki Huna?" . 2016. Hierhin: Runde 6/Frage 2 – Geographie und Länder der Welt (Es geht um Borneo und Sandokan.)
Further mentions about me and my research:
Cuccolini, Giulio C.: "Era solo fantasia?", in: Commento nel fumetto "Le Tigri di Mompracem". Genua 1999.
Palermo, Antonio: "Novità sul salgarismo". In: Salgariana, Verona 1998, p. 127 - 130.
Pozzo, Felice: "Sandokan storico e dintorni: annotazioni e considerazioni", in: Argomenti, Genova, 1998, p. 29 - 33.
Pozzo, Felice: "Sandokan storico & dintorni", in: Reggia Emilia, Nr. 28/29, Dez. 1999 - Mai 2000, p. 3/4.
Verrengia, Enzo: "Su Emilio Salgari una nera maledizione", in: La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno. 21.04.2011, p. 34/35.
Unfortunately, the list is incomplete.