
There are more than 20 films on themes of the Sandokan cycle ("Ciclo dei Pirati" della Malesia" by Emilio Salgari)

Here is a list of all film adaptations of the "Cycle of the Pirates of Malaysia" (Sandokan-cycle):

1) I Pirati della Malesia (Italy 1941) - English: Pirates of Malaya

2) Le Due Tigri (Italy 1942)

3) I Misteri della Jungla Nera (Italy 1953)

4) La Vendetta dei Thugs (Italy 1954) - English: Mystery of the Black Jungle

5) Sandokan, la Tigre di Mompracem (Italy 1963) - English: Sandokan the Great

6) I Pirati della Malesia (Italy 1964) - English: Sandokan: Pirate of Malaysia

7) I Misteri della Jungla Nera (Italy 1964) - English: Kidnapped to Mystery Island

8) Sandokan alla Riscossa (Italy 1964) - English: Terror of Sandokan/Sandokan Fights Back/The Conqueror and the Empress

9) Sandokan contro il Leopardo di Sarawak (Italien 1964) - English: Return of Sandokan

10) Le Tigri di Mompracem (Italy 1971)

11) Le Tigri di Mompracem (Italy 1974)

12) Sandokan (Italy 1976)

13) La Tigre è ancora viva - Sandokan alla Riscossa (Italy 1977) - English: The Tiger Is Still Alive: Sandokan to the Rescue

14) I Misteri della Jungla Nera (Italien 1990) - English: The Mysteries of the Dark Jungle

15) Sandokan (Spain 1991) - English: Sandokan

16) Il Ritorno di Sandokan (Italy 1996) - English: The Return of Sandokan

17) Il Figlio di Sandokan (Italy 1998) - not shown

18) Sandokan - La Tigre della Malesia (Italy/France 1998) - English: Sandokan, the Tiger of Malaysia

19) Sandokan - La Tigre ruggisce ancora (Italy 2001) - English: Sandokan, the Tiger roars again

20) Sandokan in Sizilien (Italy/India 2005) - not shown

21) Sandokan - Le Due Tigri (Italy 2008) - English: Sandokan, The Two Tiger

In addition, a commedy called "Sandogat - Due ragazzi incorreggibili" appeared in Italy in connection with the 1976 film adaptation of Sandokan, which consisted of 6 episodes and parodied the adaptation with Kabir Bedi.

A remake of "Sandokan - La Tigre della Malesia" with Can Yaman and Luca Argentero for RAI is planned for 2021.

In addition to the films listed, there are also films whose ideas are based on Salgari's work, but in which the protagonists have different names and the content does not follow the novels. But they are very reminiscent of Salgari. Here is a list of them:

1) Kali-Yug, la Dea della Vendetta (Italy 1963) - English: Vengeance of Kali

2) Il Mistero del Tempio Indiano (Italy 1963) - English: The Mystery of the Indian Temple

3) Sandok, il Maciste della Giungla (Italy 1964) - English: Temple of the White Elephant

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